“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.”

  • Vincent van Gogh


Written, Produced & Directed by: 

Nita Wolf & Philip Wolf



Vincent van Gogh: 
Harry Taylor        

Paul Gauguin:  
Steven Menteith    

Rachel Berlatier: 
Natasha MacDonald         

Johnny Cordukes

Vincent van Gogh (2), Male Warden:

Matthew T. Walsh   

Madame, Creepy Nurse, Landlord’s Wife:  

Chloe Tobin   

Juliette, Stern Nurse: 
Elizabeth Marcobello       

Ioulia Stepanova

Landlord, Male Nurse, Theo: 
Jay Kallaway   

Dr Gatchet, Wealthy Man: 
Warren Paul Glover

Creative Team.

Set Designer:
Irma Calabrese

Costumes + Prop Design:
 Charles Bengland

Sound Design:  
BT Calloway

Lighting Design:  
Roderick van Gelder

Design + Creation Crew:  
Ben Paterson, Matt Bailey

GFX & Animation:
Adam Paterson

Make Up & SFX:
Sophie Gunn

Stage Crew:
Emily Wong, Isabel Zakharova,
Sarah Chambers & Didi Athum